The original aims as stated in 2007
The aim of this project is to conduct a preliminary investigation into the career pathways of nurse educators in Europe. The first meeting took place in Udine, Italy in November 2007. This will be achieved by:
- Reviewing the current literature around nurse education reforms in Europe (1990-2007)
- Identifying the extent of and reviewing the literature about the career pathways of nurse educators in Europe
- Establishing a data base to support fact finding exercise on current career pathways.
Our aims were re-stated in 2012 -2013
Aim 1: Career Development of Nurse Academics
UDINE-C members will make a commitment to exchange knowledge and share current best practice for the continuous improvement of academic careers in nursing.
a) share current best practice on the integration of values and evidence in nurse education
b) support innovation in the nurse academics’ career development
c) support supervision and leadership in nursing academic workforce
Aim 2: Nursing Research
UDINE-C network members will share and support opportunities, methodologies and grant applications for nursing research.
a) develop partnerships between members
b) promote participation in Masters and Doctoral programmes with mobility between countries
c) develop progressive grant applications across the network
d) collaborate in the writing and publication of research papers, reports and the dissemmination of outcomes
Aim 3: The quality of nurse education and continuous improvement of standards of nurse education
UDINE-C members will develop exchange knowledge and share current best practice for the continuous improvement of standards of nursing education
a) focus on the quality of nurse education and cooperate on shared projects
b) share current best practice on the integration of values and evidence in nurse education
c) support innovation in the teaching-learning process of nurses
d) support Masters and Doctoral students in career development
e) encourage student nurse participation in research and dissemination
Aim 4: The European nursing workforce
UDINE-C members will seek opportunities to understand the similarities and unique differences in nurse education and career development across Europe. Where appropriate UDINE-C members will work towards harmonisation of opportunity.
a) Organise formal exchange visits between academics, students and practitioner nurses
b) Communicate learning associated with such activities with all members of the network
c) Incorporate international directives into the rationale and feedback of such exchange opportunities
d) Exchange scheme of nurse practitioners among members of UDINE C group