Udine-C Network

a pan european, nursing academics network

Information to download about UDINE-C

Here is a short document giving information about UDINE-C – please download from here

Please note these are current DRAFT documents and are therefore likely to change in due course.


italy_small      UDINE_Flyer_test_Italian2


poland_small     UDINE_Flyer_test1_Polish


England_small   UDINE_Flyer_test1_eng


serbia_small     UDINE_Flyer 1_Serbian



slovenia_small     UDINE_Flyer_test1_Slovenia



croatia_small     UDINE_Flyer_test_Croatia



iceland_small     UDINE_Flyer_test1_Iceland



switzerland_small     UDINE_Flyer_test_Switzerland



spain_small     UDINE_Flyer_test1_Spanish



Ukraine_small     UDINE_Flyer_test_Ukraine



CZE_small    UDINE_Flyer_test1_Czech republic




Hungary Small2UDINE_Flyer_test1_Hungary




bosnia Samll
